What is BNB Bull

BNB Bull Project is a crypto Coin Project that is inspired by the state of the Market when it is experiencing price increases within a certain period of time, And the bull is the main symbol.

How do I get started?

First, you need to set up your wallet. You can use the Metamask to interact with BSC. Then, you will need to fund to BNB.

You can check out the official bridging guide

What is the contract address on $BNB Bull?

You can view the BNB Bull BEP-20 smart contract here.

How do I supply Assets to BNB Bull?

Just head over to the BNB Bull website and select the asset you want to supply and click supply. A more detailed guide is found here.

How do I borrow Assets from BNB Bull?

First, you need to enable the asset you want to use as collateral on the Dashboard. Then just select the asset you want to borrow and click borrow! Do take note on your LTV and be careful of liquidations!

Check out a detailed guide here.

Why can't I borrow the asset I deposited?

During the initial phase of Mainnet launch, we will disable the supplying and borrowing of the same asset. As an example, this means that if you have supplied USDC, you will not be able to use the USDC as collateral to borrow more USDC. This is done as we are aware that whales often do leveraged stablecoin farming, to receive more incentives.

Leveraged stablecoin farming is the act of supplying and borrowing the same asset, typically stablecoins, in a continuous loop. This restriction is thus put in place to ensure that our incentives are spread across a larger BSC user base, benefiting all users who are using the BNB Bull platform.

How do I repay my loan?

Go to the Dashboard, select the asset you want to repay and just repay!

How do I withdraw Assets from BNB Bull?

Head over to Dashboard and just select the asset you want to withdraw. Make sure you have sufficient liquidity to withdraw or you won't be able to! Check out the possible scenarios here.

What are liquidations?

Liquidations happen when your collateral falls below the required LTV ratio. Liquidations are necessary to keep the protocol healthy and prevent bad debts. You can check how close you are to liquidation via the lava bar on the dashboard. More details here.

What determines the interest rate?

Our interest rate model is documented here and the interest rate parameters can be found here .

What price oracle does BNB Bull use?

Currently, we are using our own internal oracles as documented here. The oracles update twice hourly or whenever there’s a 1% change in price. We will be shifting to decentralized oracles like Chainlink and Band once they are live and supported on BSC.

What is $BNB Bull used for?

$BNBBull is the governance token of the BNB Bull protocol. once our Community Insurance Module is live, you can stake $BNBBull to receive a portion of fees collected and in return, your $BNBBull will be used as insurance in case of short-fall events.

In addition, once our Community Insurance Module is live, you can stake $BNBBull to receive a portion of fees collected and in return, the $BNBBull contributed will be used to secure the protocol if a shortfall event unfortunately occurs.

Read more about $BNBBull's tokenomics in more detail here.

Where can I buy/sell $BNBBull?

You can buy and sell $BNBBull on Pancakeswap Finance.

Is BNBBull audited?

The BNBBull source code and security audit Report is being finalized and will be published when it is available

Last updated